Guns & Ammo Releases Best (and Worst) States for Gun Owners

Guns & Ammo has released their 2019 Rankings of Best States for Gun Owners. Of course, everyone knows who the usual culprits are at the bottom of the list – New York, Massachussetts, New Jersey, California – but how does your state stack up. Head over the the Local Boards on the GunLink forum to let us know what you think of the ratings.

Based on various aspects, such as right to carry, use of force laws such as Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground rules, ownership of NFA-regulated firearms, availability of modern firearms (read: designed since the 1950s), state-wide preemption of local laws, red flag laws, and more, they have scored the 50 states of our great Union and put them in order for us.

Like a dense turd in an otherwise delicious punch bowl, New York sank to the bottom for mandatory storage regulations, magazine restrictions, bribe-only CCW permits, lack of NFA items, and a host of other reasons. Massachusetts and New Jersey were close behind, followed by Hawaii and California rounding out the bottom five.

Topping the list for 2019 is Arizona, who passed zero new gun bills this year (good or bad), who have permit-less Constitutional Carry, state preemption, and strong protections for gun owners and those who must use a firearm in self defense. Idaho, Alaska, Kansas and Oklahoma follow right behind Arizona with Kentucky, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and Texas completing the top ten.

See the full list over at Guns & Ammo.


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